Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Thatcher’s zombie ideology preying on our imagination

Click here to access article by Jerome Roos from Reflections on a Revolution.

While capitalist media organs are busy extolling the virtuous legacy of Margaret Thatcher upon her recent death, Roos writes about the real significance of the "useful idiot" who served so well her British neoliberal masters.

Beginning with this ironic statement,
...Tony Blair proved that it was never really Thatcher who ruled Britain, but the financial interests in the City of London all along. [my link]
he develops the argument that Thatcher's vicious attack on the British 99 Percent has morphed into today's public relation's designed neoliberal product:
This is capitalism with a human face; a blend of market fundamentalism specifically tailored to making you believe it is in your best interest to obey.