Wednesday, April 3, 2013

The Inequality Crisis

Click here if you wish to access the source of the 19:27m video on RSA (Britain). 

The British economist Lansley is no radical, but here he is pointing out graphically the growing gap between the rich and the rest of us, and the contradiction this poses for a capitalist economy that depends on growth. 
Economist and author Stewart Lansley argues that the surging income gap of recent decades has not only been socially corrosive, but is also at the roots of our national and global economic crises.

Regardless of the social injustice the system is creating, what is even a greater, and more dangerous, contradiction is a growth-addicted system on a finite planet! So how do you think our masters in the One Percent will deal with this dilemma? They must be fully aware of these contradictions, but there are absolutely no indications that they see the necessity, much less the will, to opt for another system. 

So far, all indications suggest that they will rely of the use of force and surveillance to keep us from revolting. As the planet's systems that support human life deteriorate, the One Percent are prepared to allow huge numbers of populations to die off in various climate-related catastrophes. Meanwhile, indications suggest that they are preparing for these calamities by securing themselves behind well-guarded, gated communities, and using the latest technology to sustain their lives. See this, this, and this.

Hence, it is clear that it us up to us to save ourselves. Are we up to the task?