Before proving the ubiquity of state-sponsored terror, we need to take a brief look at the matrix supporting such terror. This second posting of a six-part essay shows that this matrix (i) leads us to the false belief that the USA was once free, peaceful, just, and sustainable; (ii) viciously undermines language (and hence, our ability to think clearly); (iii) limits our access to accurate information; (iv) compels us to needlessly hedge our public discourse; shifts our attention from the handful of families who control the world (=the Syndicate or international bankers) to the dual fictions of (v) front men as powerful political figures (e.g., president of the USA, chairman of the Federal Reserve) and (vi) countries as sovereign actors (e.g., the USA, France).
in the time remaining, to help us understand how the man-made system of capitalism will lead to the extinction of our human species, and so many others.
Saturday, July 27, 2013
A Bird’s Eye View of Contrived Terror–Part II : Backdrop of Terror
Click here to access article by Prof. Moti Nissani from nsnbc.