Monday, July 22, 2013

Brazil: Extractive Capitalism and the Great Leap Backward

Click here to access article by James Petras from his blog.

This retired professor of sociology examines the history of Brazil under neoliberalism. His examination offers an excellent example of development engineered by neoliberal forces in what most people regard as a "democratic" country. 

Following the military dictatorships (1964-1984) there has been a series of elected governments that increased the opening of the Brazilian economy to international capitalist exploitation. Notice that it didn't matter under what party label that the government administrations were elected, the same policies were pursued. And, look at the results as described by Petras. Do you really think that the 99 Percent have really benefited? Do you think the latter would have chosen these policies decade after decade? But their the ruling class's "representative" governments did, and they and the international capitalists have benefited.