Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Frackademia: The People & Money Behind the EDF Methane Emissions Study

Click here to access article by Steve Horn from DeSmogBlog (based in Canada).

The information provided in this article on shale fracking illustrates how an important section of the ruling class, energy producers, use academia to promote, or more accurately, to cover for their environmentally destructive practices. This is only a more dramatic example of how the ruling class in general uses institutions of higher learning to promote their values, their history, and their system of capitalism that delivers to them so much wealth and, even more importantly, power.
Study sponsors listed in the 'Acknowledgments' section of the report include Anadarko Petroleum, BG Group, Chevron, Encana, Talisman and ExxonMobil subsidiary XTO Energy in addition to EDF. These are the obvious "frackademia" culprits raising red flags regarding the study's findings.
But that only scratches the surface.