Monday, January 27, 2014

Secondhand Daylight

Click here to access article by Darbikrash from Collapse of Industrial Civilization.

The author covers quite a bit of ground starting with protest songs from musicians in the 1970s, through a brief history of the rise of capitalism and the rationalizations of capitalist philosophers; but he/she really reaches his/her stride in the descriptions of worker alienation and then on to the disturbing realities facing workers today:
We see the security state girding its collective loins with surveillance capability and (domestic) military firepower. They know what is coming and it is not the Muslims. It is not the invading foreign hordes. It is the disenfranchised factory worker, the déclassé intellectuals, the retirees, and the unemployed who have stepped on one too many bodies to feed their families. The petite bourgeoisie who have one too many trinkets at the expense of their integrity. A rousing, rabid crowd of dangerous souls poisoned to their very cores by an alienating system of exploitation and commodity exchange that defiles and diminishes all those who participate, willing or unwillingly.