Sunday, July 20, 2014

Big Brother To Get Bigger in Mexico

Click here to access article by Don Quijones from Wolf Street. 

While opposition is gathering against net neutrality and electronic surveillance in the US portion of the Empire, it appears that a major effort to accomplish these objectives is well advanced in the Mexican section. Such nefarious measures have been carefully wrapped in propaganda material that appears to reign in monopolies. Thus, the public has been carefully prepared to view these measures as "reforms". (I think it is a truism that whenever ruling class media presents legislation as a "reform", what they really have in mind are measures that will harm the interests of ordinary people and benefit their class.) El Confidencial warns, the anti-trust measures are effectively a carrot hiding a much larger stick within the large- and fine-print – a stick that could soon be wielded against political and social activists, investigative journalists, high-profile members of the political opposition or any other groups that threaten the status quo.