Monday, July 14, 2014

CIA Covert Operations and U.S. Interventions Since World War II Full documentary

Click here to access a re-posting on Greanville Post of a documentary produced by Frank Dorrel. I only viewed 20 minutes of the video which covers the history of subversive activities of US secret agencies since WWII. I don't need to view the rest because I lived through all of this history.

Unfortunately, many people in the film, and people in general, see these developments as some kind of aberration rather than an intrinsic feature of a predatory ruling class such as exists under any system of capitalism. Thus, many people still hold out the false hope of correcting these problems and returning to what they have been taught to believe has existed in some mythical past: some sort of "democracy" or constitutional government founded on "democratic" principles. Notice that in this re-posting, an editor of The Greanville Post suggests that such operations of the existing system can be corrected without eliminating class rule if only we wake up:
As a class tool for the ruling elites, it’s quite obvious the CIA will not disappear or perform legitimate national security work until capitalist class rule is finished, OR Americans wake up sufficiently from their induced stupor to revamp the agency.