Saturday, August 23, 2014

Alternative Energy Fetishes and Temples to Technology

Click here to access article by xraymike79 from Collapse of Industrial Civilization. 
...the carrot of a civilization-saving technological breakthrough is forever dangled before our eyes. By all accounts, we appear hellbent on doing everything humanly possible to maintain and perpetuate industrial civilization by deploying “earth-friendly” renewable energy technologies which, in the end, turn out to be nothing more than “reconstituted fossil fuels”.

The role that fossil fuels play in the creation, maintenance and support of alternative energy technologies is not discussed or analyzed at all by those peddling it to the masses who live with the hope of a “green” economy and carbon-neutral civilization.
It appears that one more delusion spread by agents of the One Percent to prolong theirs addictions to wealth and power is now reaching its expiry date. Of course, energy analysts like Gail Tverberg have been arguing this for years, but when a major corporation such as Google offers a forum for the expression of this view as seen in one video in the article, then it becomes sort of "official".

However, I have little doubt that the ruling class gatekeepers of opinions will come up with other delusions and will keep insisting on existing ones that include fusion power, migrating to other planets, engineering climate fixes, etc. Meanwhile as we continue to be fed and distracted by such delusions, we will continue our descent into a dystopia of wars, massacres, racism, police states, poverty, climate destabilization, etc.--unless, of course, we target the deliverer of the system that supplies the drugs of wealth and power to the global One Percents and misery to the rest of us, and worst of all a system that requires growth to exist--the capitalist system.