Wednesday, August 20, 2014

New York Fed’s Answer to Cartels Rigging Markets – Form Another Cartel

Click here to access article by Pam Martens and Russ Martens from Wall Street On Parade.

These two authors have specialized in investigating and writing articles about the corrupt practices found in Wall Street and the Federal Reserve, the nerve center of US capitalism, following the 2008 economic collapse. 

If you agree with my contention that the ruling class in the US and the US-led Empire is located most predominately in the private banking consortium deceptively called the Federal Reserve, then you must read this piece, and follow this website, to discover what they have found: the incestuous relationship of regulatory agencies with the banks that they are supposedly monitoring to insure compliance with laws, and both groups are tied closely to the Fed. Is it any wonder that are economy serves only the One Percent?