Monday, August 4, 2014

Old Mole Variety Hour August 4 2014 [two segments of the hour long program]

Click here to access this morning's broadcast of the "Old Mole Variety Hour" from KBOO radio station in Portland, Oregon. These are two segments that I highly recommend.

Segment One (from the start to 23:50m): Bill Resnick talks with local scholar of policing and government repression, Kristian Williams [author of Our Enemies in Blue], about how the police plant informants and provocateurs in leftists organizations, and how movements should deal with that.  

By the way, the new website created by Williams is "DCSC: thinking critically about security, surveillance, and counterinsurgency"

Segment Two (from 25:00m to 31:50m): Clayton Morgareidge offers a commentary on why liberals are not the change we want to see in the world.