Friday, August 8, 2014

Palestine: the only solution is now the one-state solution

Click here to access article by John Rees from CounterFire (Britain).

A one-state solution has always been the only legitimate solution for the huge mistake that Anglo-American ruling classes and their Zionist collaborators made by setting up the state of Israel. However, such a solution is not possible as long as the Empire, or any capitalist empire, exists. This pariah state is a creation of capitalist imperialism in order to control access to the abundant fossil fuels in the Middle East, and only the dissolution of capitalism and the establishment of egalitarian societies can finally lead to a one-state solution. 

This liberal author and CounterFire have a myopic view of the current crises as argued in another article entitled "From Gaza to Ukraine: unite opposition to Britain's warmongering elite", and because of this they can only advocate the same old strategies of working within the capitalist system to make the problems go away. And, one of their favorite strategies is an old one--protests and more protests

It seems that liberals are exhibiting a kind of mental illness by constantly doing the same thing and imagining a different result. Capitalist ruling classes have clearly demonstrated the ability to control protests so that they don't interfere with their various destructive projects.