Friday, August 29, 2014

Propaganda and the lack thereof

Click here to access article by Dmitry Orlov from his blog ClubOrlof.

This morning after reading/watching my usual news sources including Western media regarding the situation in Ukraine, I felt really bewildered about the military situation in that war. Although I do not usually focus on specific events like this, but look at issues from more of a systems point of view, I decided to do the best I could to find out what was currently going on there. So I offer this piece by Orlov, an author and blogger, who, according to his publisher, immigrated from the Soviet Union in the 1970s to the United States. I followed his blog several years ago, and as I recall, he has traveled a lot to the Soviet Union and Russia since then. I regard him as an informed and reliable source of information on the situation in Ukraine.

I also highly recommend a report entitled "Ukraine Lost A Battle - West Escalates With More Russia Sanctions" from a blog entitled Moon of Alabama authored by Bernhard who I also regard as a very reliable and informed source of information.  

Contrast these reports with the latest one from Western oriented Reuters.