Wednesday, September 24, 2014

False Fronts for Wall Street

Click here to access article by Jay Taber from CounterPunch.

NGOs (non-profits, foundations, other "charitable" organizations) often function as front organizations serving our corporate/financial overlords in support of their neoliberal and imperial policies abroad and austerity policies within the US. Our rich ruling class use this method to funnel their vast amounts of wealth to such organizations which appear to be engaged in merely humanitarian efforts. It is often effective in protecting their system and policies from resistance by the Ninety-Nine Percent (that's us!). Aren't they clever?
As a fifth column of fascism, imperial civil society – funded by such entities as Rockefeller Brothers Fund, Ford Foundation, and Soros Open Society Institute – operates worldwide (in tandem with official false fronts like USAID, National Endowment for Democracy, and U.S. Institute for Peace) to subvert sovereignty and derail democracy in favor of US hegemony.