Sunday, September 14, 2014

Jamie Dimon Gets a Personal Call from the Prez; Seniors Get Garnished

Click here to access article by Pam Martens and Russ Martens from Wall Street on Parade. 

The Martens have an exceptional ability to criticize the way the official government functions to serve the rich, however they seem unable to understand the fake nature of the way power is actually exercised in the US in contrast to the way its ideological institutions portray it which they apparently accept.

In this article they refer to a Wall Street Journal report of a phone call by Obama to Jamie Dimon, the CEO of JP Morgan bank, to express their shock and disbelief over this phone call and other official government actions.
Sometimes we have to pinch ourselves to make sure we are not sleepwalking in a Dickensian dream.
There have been thousands of such incidents in recent history, which if added up, can only point to a more realistic understanding of who works for whom. Obama, as the Empire's Chief of Public Relations (CPR), actually works for Jamie Dimon who likely functions as a director of the Empire. That explains why Obama calls Jamie Dimon to wish him well. It is the same as any employee "sucking up" to his boss. The fact that JP Morgan is paying a fine is only to maintain the myths about a legitimate rule of law existing in the US. JP Morgan has been a huge beneficiary of essentially no-cost loans from the Fed.