Monday, September 15, 2014

New sparks fly between CIA, Senate Intelligence Committee

Click here to access article by Ali Watkins from McClatchy news service.

We first learned about CIA surveillance of Senate members in the mainstream media from Sen. Diane Feinstein (California) who is chairman of a committee (Senate Select Committee on Intelligence) that supposedly supervises on behalf of American people what our intelligence services are doing. It seems that some members of Congress became seriously concerned about government spying on citizens only when they were spied on

In this piece (the conservative Washington Times provides even more strident coverage of this incident) we learn about a closed door hearing in which this Senate committee exercised their official mandate by questioning John Brennan, the Director of the CIA. From comments following the hearing, it appears that Brennan essentially told them to "stuff it". If some Senate members didn't know before who really runs this country, they know it now. Some will grumble and complain, but they'll soon cooperate or else they will lose their jobs. Others will grumble and threaten the CIA to the national audience in order to maintain the myths about the rule of law and representative government.