Friday, September 12, 2014

PR Mind Control: Even Better Than the Real Thing

Click here to access article by Mickey Z. from World News Trust. 

This subject has been treated many times before, but it bears repeating many times more because the world's Ninety-Nine Percent just don't seem to understand it.

The author reviews the early history of the ruling class's attempts to manipulate the minds of the US's Ninety-Nine Percent. This all started with garnering public support for US's entry into WWI against German capitalists and on the side of British and French capitalists to whom US bankers had lent so much money. By 1917 the war was going so poorly for these debtors that US bankers began to worry about getting paid back. And, the overwhelming public opinion against US involvement in the war posed a serious problem for them. Mickey Z. explains what happened to solve this problem, and subsequent applications of mind control technology which began with crude methods, but over the decades have been so refined and integrated into every ideological institution that most Americans are completely unaware of its insidious influence on their lives.

I could go on and on detailing the damage done by Edward Bernays and his ilk yet never keep up with the deluge. In the era of social media and a 24-hour news cycle, we are now exposed to more propaganda than ever before as Bernays’ PR progeny continue refining and honing their skills -- keeping us passive, divided, and distracted.
The wars, the environmental devastation, the oppression of all life -- this homicidal/suicidal pattern can end one of two ways. We can continue willfully falling for the charade until everything collapses or we can wake the fuck up, rediscover the subversive pleasure of independent thought, and create urgent change.