Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Study Finds Treated Fracking Wastewater Still Too Toxic

Click here to access article by Andy Tully from OilPrice.  

This website focuses on all issues related to energy and is mainly directed at investors of energy companies. Thus, it is particularly interesting so see in this online publication an article like this which provides additional evidence of the hazardous nature of the new shale-fracking technology which capitalists are so excited about.
One of the biggest concerns about hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, is that the vast amount of wastewater produced by the process of extracting oil and gas from shale rock deep underground is incredibly toxic. 

Most often, the wastewater is injected into disposal wells deep underground. But a process does exist to convert contaminated water into drinking water that involves running it through wastewater treatment plants and into rivers.

Now a new report says that treated wastewater could be fouling drinking water supplies.