Sunday, September 14, 2014

The Dogs of Hell: An Original Jihadi Trashes ISIS

Click here to access article from The Polemicist.

In this article the blogger does an excellent job of digging up new information from a primary source about the latest official terrorist confronting the Empire. It furnishes more evidence that such terrorist groups function, intentionally or not, to support the interests of the Empire and its Mid-East fortress known as Israel.
To get a glimpse of the kind of thinking that is prevalent in the region, and prevalent even among fellow jihadis, about ISIS, I strongly suggest that you look at the remarkable interview with Nabeel Naiem on Syria News below. (Bear with the rocky translation from Syria News.) I don’t endorse his theories about ISIS, or anything else he says, but if you’re interested in the dynamics of jihadism and jihadi thinking in the region, and of how even the most militant Islamists detest ISIS, you’re unlikely to find anything like it.