Tuesday, September 2, 2014

The Fascist Beast and the New World Order

Click here to access article by Mathew Maavak from Uncommon Thought Journal.

I hesitated in posting this article this morning even though I felt in sympathy with most of his portrayal of the "fascist beast and the New World Order" otherwise widely known as the Empire which is led by the US capitalist gang. The problem I have with it is that it is loaded with cynicism, and wallowing in this type of feeling can be hazardous to one's health. 

However, he did provide me with a link to one important antidote: a report from RT describing the influx of volunteer fighters to the separatist regions of Ukraine to defend them from the fascist beast much like the International Brigades that poured into Spain during their war against fascists in the 1930s. This time we can only pray that the outcome will be different. It absolutely must be different if there is to be any hope for a brighter future.

Maavak sees many parallels with current events in Europe with that of the 1930s. I think that they are entirely appropriate. The same social-political dynamics are playing out simply because they are basically the same as what occurred in the 1930s. Unfortunately for us fascism wasn't defeated then, and thus we are faced once again with this beast that we simply must defeat this time--because time is rapidly running out for the human species. German based fascism was defeated mostly by the Russians under the Soviet Union, but unfortunately for the world the latter country was so defective that a US-led fascist beast was easily able to take control, to expand its influence, and morph into the beastly Empire that we see today destroying one country after another. 

The international brigades of today called "United Continent" may succeed in securing southeast Ukraine from fascist control, but can it create a people-powered democracy? It's very doubtful. Only a worldwide upheaval of the Ninety-Nine Percent (NNP) and organized resistance on a global scale can bring the current fascist beast to its knees. But our work will not be finished until we of the world's NNP construct genuine people's democracies everywhere in the world. As I see it, the first step must be the construction of our own media to inform us on what is going on in the world. (I've just discovered what purports to be a grass-roots independent media group that is reporting on the conflict in Ukraine. It's called Voice of Sevastopol. You might want to check it out.)