Wednesday, September 10, 2014

The Internet Slowdown Is Here. Join the Fight

Click here to access article by Amy Kroin from Free Press. 

...the Free Press Action Fund has teamed up with Demand Progress, Engine Advocacy and Fight for the Future to organize the Internet Slowdown — which could become one of the biggest online protests of all time (step aside, SOPA).
On Sept. 10, the sites for dozens of major tech companies and thousands of organizations will display a slow-loading icon to give people a taste of what the Internet could look like without Net Neutrality. Clicking the icons will take Internet users to a series of actions at The main push: to get Congress to stand up for the open Internet — and to get Wheeler to drop his proposal.

(Note: after initially succeeding in pasting their icon on my site, it disappeared and I was no longer able to reinstall it.)