Monday, September 1, 2014

The Last Gasp of Climate Change Liberals

Click here to access article by Chris Hedges from TruthDig.

I have a hunch that Hedges in this piece is really writing about himself, that is, his transformation from a liberal critic to a radical critic. If he is sincere, perhaps we can forgive him for caustically criticizing the Occupy Movement and his plagiarism. In this piece he arrives at a political position that he has never articulated before:
Resistance will come from those willing to breach police barricades. Resistance will mean jail time and direct confrontation. Resistance will mean physically disrupting the corporate machinery. Resistance will mean severing ourselves from the dominant culture to build small, self-sustaining communities. This resistance will be effective only when we refuse to do what we are told, when we turn from a liberal agenda of reform to embrace a radical agenda of revolt. 
However, resistance will mean more than "severing ourselves from the dominant culture"; it must mean devising strategies to defeat the dominant culture and replacing it with a pro-life economy and culture. It's hard to tell from this one piece how much he has been transformed.