Monday, September 15, 2014

The ‘Long Con‘

Click here to access article by Philip A. Farruggio from World News Trust. 

This son and grandson of Brooklyn, NY City longshoremen has awakened and urges his fellow Americans to wake up.

Farruggio now understands a lot about reality, but he still has a way to go. He doesn't yet identify the problem in terms of a system--capitalism. Instead, he identifies an advanced symptom of the system--militarism and expansion (imperialism).
Using an embedded media, the "Two Party, One Party" political system (created by our Military Industrial Empire) keeps chugging along. Whether it is a Reagan or Clinton, a Bush or a Kerry, a Romney or an Obama, it matters not to the puppeteers who run things. They choose who the so called "field of candidates" will be, and then most of the time let the suckers (we voters) make the final decision from Column A or Column B.