Tuesday, September 2, 2014

The U.S. Owns the Narrative on Ukraine: Return of the Evil Empire

Click here to access article by Jason Hirthler from CounterPunch.

Yes, the ruling One Percent "own" the narrative because they literally own, according to capitalist property rights, the means of nearly all news dissemination in the US and much of the world. Any serious attack on their rule will necessitate a counter-media organized and operated with a lot of volunteer labor on behalf of truth for the benefit of the Ninety-Nine Percent. Until such time, we activists and concerned citizens are all just pissing in the wind.

This resurrected theme of the "evil empire", of course, hides the reality of an extant evil empire led by the US ruling class heavily infected by Zionist influences. Russia and any other nation that stands in the way of this real evil empire will face the latter's wrath, bombs, sanctions, subversive NGOs, mercenary armies, lies, etc.