Monday, September 22, 2014

This Changes Nothing. Why the People’s Climate March Guarantees Climate Catastrophe

Click here to access article by Cory Morningstar from The Wrong Kind of Green. 

After being misled down the path of fake anti-capitalism as performed by Naomi Klein, I have decided to focus much more attention on astroturf non-profit organizations (NGOs) operating here in the US to manage dissent and consent in relation to US-led Empire interests. I have run a number of articles describing such NGO operations in foreign countries, but I think I have been somewhat remiss by a lack of focus on the same type of operations here in the US. After all, Empire operatives have a global perspective to go along with their global Empire aspirations, and thus there is no reason to separate their functions abroad from their domestic efforts to manage the views and opinions of ordinary people. 
In this article Morningstar provides considerable evidence of recent operations of astroturf organizations being funded by the well-connected rich hidden behind many non-profit foundations. Such foundations appear to funnel money of the rich from one such organization to another in an effort to head off growing criticism from the new-economy movement and their focus on changing the system, from those who fear climate destabilization stemming from fossil-fueled capitalism, and many who are opposed to foreign adventures of the Empire to extend its control over the remaining resources of the world.