Thursday, October 16, 2014

Bearing Witness

Click here to access article by Kenn Orphan and re-posted on Collapse of Industrial Civilization.

Because the following introduction by xraymike79 to this article is so powerful, I am departing from my usual practice of posting articles from their original websites. 
Championing the rapacious conversion of the Earth into dead commodities and its peoples into soulless consumers, the adherents of capitalism have succeeded in entrenching their ideology into the minds of the vast populations as the only viable economic system and way of life. Mesmerized by the electronic gadgetry of the digital age and singing the praises of the “free market”, atomized citizens blissfully hack away at the tree of life that supports them. The bio-destructive power of capitalist industrial civilization stamps out the poetry of nature, silencing entire ecosystems. This essay by Kenn Orphan describes the mindless march towards self-destruction and the redemption that comes by bearing witness to it.