Friday, October 24, 2014

Canada, At War For 13 Years, Shocked That ‘A Terrorist’ Attacked Its Soldiers

Click here to access article by Glenn Greenwald from The Intercept. 

While ordinary Canadians are shocked, Greenwald makes a couple of good points: first, to understand what might motivate such attacks; and second, does this recent attack even fit the definition of terrorism even though Canadian government officials immediately framed it that way? 

This latter point by Greenwald raises a suspicion. Given that the directors of the Empire and its sycophantic allies always use such attacks to justify more surveillance and repression of its own citizens, it might be even more important to read the reminders provided by Eric Draitser and Tony Cartalucci (see this and this): many of these "terrorist attacks" have been aided and abetted by our nations' secret services as a method to get us to support their imperial projects. Don't be a dupe like many of these setup-terrorists were!