Sunday, October 26, 2014

Exposed: The Carlyle Group

Click here to access the re-post of this excellent 48:04 video from Information Clearing House.  

The video really examines the fascist nature that the US Empire has evolved into at this stage of history. I do not use the term "fascism" as a mere buzz word. 

The term fascism has its roots in Italy in the 1930s. This form of government was characterized by the unvarnished takeover of government by capitalists whose concentrated wealth took the form of corporations. The earlier capitalist state was transformed into an essentially corporate state, and was logically modeled after the capitalist corporation with its strong hierarchical rule. Given such unrestrained power, it naturally gravitated to authoritarian methods of rule over the broader society. 

This classic form of fascism was the inevitable evolution of capitalism, a class-based system which uses private ownership of the economy to expand its wealth and power. As the system evolves overtime, more and more wealth and power becomes concentrated in ever smaller segments of the population. Their power begins to spread (much like a virulent cancer) to all institutions of society, especially the most critical areas: government, media, and education. As their power accumulates, so does the appetite for more wealth and power by this class expands until it takes on the appearance of an all-consuming addiction for more wealth and power. This naturally leads to aggressive actions toward other states--imperialist wars. In the 1930s such regimes naturally dispensed with capitalist forms of "democracy", and gravitated toward blatantly authoritarian methods.

However, we must not be deceived by superficial appearances. We must separate appearances from substance. If we do this, we become aware of the core qualities of fascism; rule of, by, and for the interests of capitalist corporations. Today's New World Order, aka the US Empire, or what some people refer to as the "Fourth Reich", dispensed with the overt forms of authoritarian rule and decided that it is far more cost effective to use the illusion of democracy to prevent widespread opposition to their class rule and their wars. Hence, their powerful use of indoctrination in education, media, and entertainment, and their tight control of agencies of information. Therefore, their New World Order is today's fascism carefully disguised with "democratic" clothing and cosmetics.