Saturday, October 25, 2014

Meet the New Proletariat: The Political Economy of Freelancing

Click here to access article by David Rosen from CounterPunch. (You will need to scroll down to the article.)

In addition to those who gave up looking for a job in our 2008 post-crash economy, this new growing proletariat may be a contributing factor to the declining unemployment statistics that are issued by the government of the ruling capitalist class and celebrated by their media.
America’s new proletariat workforce goes by a lot of different terms – freelance, independent, temp, part-timer, contractor, contingent worker and the under-employed. ....
These workers share many of the same conditions: no employer-sponsored health insurance, 401Ks or FLEX accounts; no Social Security employee contribution or unemployment compensation; no sick or vacation pay; no chance to join a union or move up the corporate ladder.  They do share the one attributed that Marx identified 150 years ago: These proletarians have nothing to lose but their chains.
Unfortunately, this liberal writer concludes his report by holding out a fake carrot of hope in the form of promising court actions on behalf of workers.