Thursday, October 2, 2014

Obama Targets Free Expression

Click here to access article by Stephen Lendman from Uncommon Thought Journal.

This whole article is total nonsense, nonsense written by an American liberal who otherwise offers many good critiques about the political direction of US society. It also illustrates how conventional thinking can lead one down to various (political) dead ends such as cynicism, voting for the other party, dropping out of all political action, etc. In contrast to conventional thinking which caused him to write such nonsense, a class analysis (capitalist, middle, and working class), which I use throughout my commentaries, offers a powerful understanding of the hows and whys of political events that happen in our capitalist world. 

The fact that a class analysis is missing from conventional thinking is testimony to the powerful actions of modern capitalist indoctrination agencies. Capitalists who enjoy enormous power and benefits from their system learned a long time ago that a class analysis must be purged from the thinking of its subjects, and replaced by superficial, formalistic thinking which obscures how the system actually works. 

Capitalism inherently promotes inequality which the recent French economist Thomas Piketty argued so well in his recent tome Capital in the Twenty-First Century that it created quite an embarrassed stir in capitalist circles. Capitalist ruling classes have always had to hide their system behind rhetoric that claims the system's legitimacy is based on the "rule of law": courts, "due process", representative governments, and constitutions that promise freedom of speech, a free press, and all sorts of human rights. Thus the power that the concentration of wealth based on private ownership of the economy provides people and corporations as well as the inherent tendency toward inequality must be suppressed in their institutions of indoctrination: media, schools, and entertainment.