Sunday, October 19, 2014

The Havoc and Fantasy of ‘Full Spectrum Dominance’

Click here to access article by Karel van Wolferen from his blog. 
The protracted overthrow in the course of 2010 of the first cabinet formed by the Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) does not at first glance resemble what happened in Kiev on January 22nd 2014 – when Victoria Nuland & Co triggered, aided, and abetted an anti–Russian coup d’état. No snipers were involved. No deaths. No civil war against Japanese citizens who had supported a reformist program. It was a gentle overthrow. But an overthrow it was even so.
While our attention has been focused elsewhere on events generated by the imperialist Empire, we may have overlooked similar, but less dramatic events, in Japan. With such a history of violence and subversion, Wolferen warns a European audience about the perils of following the lead of the Empire and sitting...
...idly by while [a] generation of politicians at the top responds to the seduction of a power that once represented the good guys, and was the main architect of the post-World War II relatively peaceful and relatively stable world order. It is seductive for Europeans to sit back and allow that power to continue taking the lead. Shared values, and all that sort of thing. How can one argue against such a perspective on planetary political reality today?
Think again.