Tuesday, October 7, 2014

The Syrian opposition: who's doing the talking?

Click here to access article by Charlie Skelton from The Guardian. (I was reminded of this 2012 article by its recent posting on The Analyst Report. I made reference to it in my blog at that time from a posting from another site--see this.)

I was remiss by not posting this article directly on my website in 2012. I am absolutely amazed at the re-reading of Skelton's in-depth investigation of the Syrian opposition and his revelations about the numerous ties of the directors of this opposition with top ruling class organizations of the Empire. This is the best piece I've seen to examine how the capitalist ruling class manages its media to cover news in support of their class interests. Thus, if you missed it in 2012, it is a must read, and studied, not only because of the Empire's renewed interest in removing Assad from power in Syria and replacing him with someone who will serve the Empire, but also as a lesson about the ruling class's management of news and information generally.