Thursday, October 23, 2014

Why is the world ignoring the revolutionary Kurds in Syria?

Click here to access article by David Graeber from The Guardian.

Graeber provides a review of the Spanish Civil War, the history of which is largely unknown to even educated Americans by design (of the ruling capitalist class), to introduce what he sees as a very similar movement for real democracy that is happening in a Kurdish region of Syria. 

Front-lines in May 2014
The autonomous region of Rojava, as it exists today, is one of few bright spots – albeit a very bright one – to emerge from the tragedy of the Syrian revolution. Having driven out agents of the Assad regime in 2011, and despite the hostility of almost all of its neighbours, Rojava has not only maintained its independence, but is a remarkable democratic experiment. Popular assemblies have been created as the ultimate decision-making bodies, councils selected with careful ethnic balance (in each municipality, for instance, the top three officers have to include one Kurd, one Arab and one Assyrian or Armenian Christian, and at least one of the three has to be a woman), there are women’s and youth councils, and, in a remarkable echo of the armed Mujeres Libres (Free Women) of Spain, a feminist army....