Saturday, October 25, 2014

WPost’s Slimy Assault on Gary Webb

Click here to access article by Robert Parry from ConsortiumNews.

It appears that Empire directors cannot stop beating up on Gary Webb who was hot on their trail of importing drugs into US urban areas in exchange for funds to support Contra terrorism against the Sandinista government. Apparently, it wasn't enough to destroy his career as an honest, investigative journalist, and probably his life which was reported as a suicide. In this piece Parry castigates a Washington Post "journalist" for continuing the attacks on Webb, and tears apart the latter's journalistic standards.

In so doing, Parry also reveals that there are two kinds of journalists in the US: those who serve the ruling class and those who report the truth. It seems that the latter are a diminishing species as a result of ruling class agents like the former who attack those who seek the truth and report it. Controlling what information is reported in mainstream media plays a vital role in maintaining the power of our capitalist ruling class and public support for their crimes against humanity.