Monday, November 10, 2014

A creeping conflict [Ukraine]

Click here to access article from The Vineyard of the Saker

This blogger has listed a Florida address, but is undoubtedly of Russian origin. Although there is much evidence of a pro-Russian position on his website, I think he has a very good grasp of what is going on in Ukraine. With Western media so heavily influenced by Empire interests, we are lucky to have access to this alternative source of information.

Although he offers his opinions about what should be done organizationally in Novorussia, I think the real value of his articles are his reporting of more factual information. It appears that there is some confusion as to the political and military organization in Novorussia, but this is understandable given the chaos of the war and the destruction of their new country as a result of the war. Given the huge investment by the Empire in the installation of the fascist Kiev regime, the future of the people in eastern Ukraine does not look good. However, there is some good news of Russian support. In any case, this ongoing conflict does not bode well for the prospects of international peace.