Friday, November 7, 2014

Azerbaijan: Subversion and the Possibility of Realignment - Part 2 of 2

Click here to access article by Eric Draitser from New Eastern Outlook.
Although the legacy of the Soviet Union has engendered mistrust on both sides of the Azerbaijan-Russia relationship, the reality of global politics is bringing the two closer together than they have been at any point since the collapse of the USSR. Undoubtedly, the increasingly bellicose rhetoric coming from the West in regards to Azerbaijan is a driving factor in the burgeoning relationship between Baku and Moscow. Additionally, the continued sanctions war waged by the West against Russia has opened a window of opportunity that Baku is quickly seizing.
In Part 2 Draitser examines recent trends in Azerbaijan and hostile rhetoric coming from Empire figures and thinks that they could have major impacts on the Empire's anti-Russian economic and subversive campaigns as well as the whole thrust of the Brzezinski inspired policies to control Eurasia. Once again, we see the Empire's use of NGOs as a major weapon in this region. 

(Note: If you want the details on how the Empire uses NGOs as soft power, you won't find a more colorful description of their operations than what FBI whistle-blower Sibel Edmonds provided in an interview with James Corbett early last year. Specifically, the section of the interview where she provides these details is from 45:23 to 67:10 minutes which you can access either through the transcript or the video or both.)