Saturday, November 29, 2014

‘Iraqi Kurdistan’ – Western Fifth Column in the Middle East

Click here to access article by Andre Vltchek from CounterPunch.

This courageous independent journalist takes us on a tour of Iraqi Kurdistan in which we experience through his eyes a quasi-independent section of Iraq wracked by corruption, ISIS attacks, and tense border guards at numerous checkpoints. We also see evidence of extreme rich lifestyles amidst widespread poverty, and Western and Israeli influences everywhere. It's another nightmarish imperial colony created by the US and associated nefarious allies. Here is only one excerpt: 
I spot a public elementary school. It is dilapidated, and extremely basic.

This Muslim community is obviously neglected, despite the nearby oil basins and refineries. No wonder: the pro-Western regime in Erbil is openly anti-Arab and pro-Western. President Barzani repeatedly speaks about the Eurasian character of his enclave, disputing that it has anything to do with an undesirable Middle-Eastern Arab character.

A school principal, erect, beautiful and proud, wears a headscarf. I dash into her office, and then slow down and apologize. I have only one question for her: ‘Do any of the proceeds from those oilfields and refineries outside, end up here, in her school, in the education sector’?

Her reply is as short and precise, as my question: “No, nothing! Our people and our schools get absolutely nothing!”

But the number of Kurdish millionaires is growing, as is the number of luxury limousines and SUVs, as are the flashy malls for the elites, as are the armies of arrogant security guards, local and imported.