Friday, November 28, 2014

Is Washington training a rebel army to “Occupy” Syria?

Click here to access article by Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya from RT. 

The Canadian sociologist and geopolitical analyst, whose focus has been on the conflicts in the Middle East, examines a recent publication of one of the Empire's primary think tanks to ascertain the next moves of the Empire in Syria. Specifically, he examines a document authored by Kevin Pollack of the Brookings Institution entitled “Building a Better Syrian Opposition Army: How and Why". (It might be worthwhile to compare this author's take on the document with that of Cartalucci's article entitled "ISIS is America’s Dream Rebel Army" that I posted earlier this month.)

It's clear that the same Zionists and associated ilk who planned and promoted the Iraqi invasion in 2003 are influencing the current dramatic strategies that we are seeing being employed to create even more chaos and bloodshed in the Middle East in order to advance Empire interests to control the abundant oil and gas resources and to promote Israeli hegemony in the region.