Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Noam Chomsky: The Long, Shameful History of American Terrorism

Click here to access article posted on In These Times.  [my commentary is a must-read]

Chomsky provides an overview of Empire sponsored terrorism during the past 50 years or so starting with the Bay of Pigs invasion. 

But if you want more details on these secret criminal activities involving both terrorism and drug running dating from the 1990s, through 9/11, up until recent years, you must listen to the 2013 recorded interviews entitled "Sibel Edmonds on Gladio B". These interviews were conducted by James Corbett in which whistle-blower and former FBI translator, Sibel Edmonds, provides us with a treasure trove of information that you likely will not find anywhere else. For some reason, probably because the length of the interviews, I was terribly remiss in not posting the interviews at the time they were posted in early 2013.

The interviews are rather lengthy at one hour plus and consist of six segments. Because she speaks rapidly and with a Turkish accent, I highly recommend that you open each video segment along with the transcription website and follow along simultaneously. So far I have listened to the first three segments.

The first posting contain both the video interview and the transcript. After that I recommend that you access all the videos (and more) here.  The associated transcripts can be accessed here: Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, and Part 6

11/04/2014 Update: I've just finished Part 4. Even to an old, informed cynic like me, this stuff is mind boggling!