Saturday, July 17, 2021

Posts that I especially recommend for Saturday, July 17, 2021

  • ‘Reality’ in the time of Covid: Actors appearing on Good Morning Britain, fake cleaners on the London life becoming the Truman Show? by Kit Knightly from Off-Guardian, an online opinion weblog from former journalists of the Guardian, an international media corporation based in Britain. Knightly asks important questions in the last paragraph: "Is all the world becoming a movie set? And right now do most people even discern the difference?" My answer: No, "reality" is what the ruling class, using their control of media corporations, create for most of us. Most are like Truman Burbank who remains completely fooled throughout most of the movie into thinking "reality" is as presented--most of us are fooled by what "reality" is as portrayed by media corporations. Hopefully, most Americans like Truman will eventually wake up to the difference.
  • 'Civilized Nations' by Bernhard, an independent German blogger, from his weblog Moon of Alabama. My reaction: This blogger cites an article from one of two leading newspapers of the USA absurdly using the word "civilized" against the enemies of the ruling capitalist class. This is only one example of the insane coverage by major media corporations that poisons the minds of most Americans.
  • Global draught baking the world, likely to get worse from Rick Sanchez' RT channel on YouTube (06:17m). My reaction; This post reports only the beginning of the Earth's destabilizing climate due largely to the past excessive consumption of fossil fuels that has driven capitalists with their obsessive quest for profits and power.