Tuesday, November 18, 2014

QE isn’t dying, it’s morphing

Click here to access article by Naomi Prins from her blog.

I can't say that I fully understand the argument she is making because I, like most others, don't play in this world of high finance. Thus, our ruling class play these opaque games without much fear of the hoi polloi. I leave it to those more familiar with the subject to understand and interpret where the game is heading. Prins, Paul Roberts, and many others, think we are headed for another, and far worse, economic disaster. 

Maybe this is why our Empire directors are being so aggressive in asserting their power throughout the planet. In the end, I think its clear that the value of our over-printed dollar rests not on anything tangible, but on the threat of violence by the globe's biggest bully, NATO and associated allies. It is backed by the actual use, and the potential threat, of violence made possible by the Empire's 1000+ military bases scattered throughout the world.