Friday, November 21, 2014

System Change, or There and Back Again: Capitalism, Socialism, Fascism

Click here to access article by Richard D. Wolff from TruthOut.

I had quite a debate with myself about posting this article, but in the end I thought it necessary because of the popularity of TruthOut to run "alternative" writers. Time is running out on the human race, and there are many popular critics ready to lend a hand to solve the numerous crises that capitalism is creating. Unfortunately, not all of them have much of a contribution to make, and some may be consciously serving the ruling class's security state by deliberately confusing issues and leading potential activists in the wrong direction. I would put Wolff in the first category. On Wednesday I posted and responded to a pamphlet entitled "The One Party Planet" published by an "activist" organization called The Rule. This pamphlet is getting a lot of attention from alternative websites. I think The Rule they may be in the second category.

I think this essay is mostly rubbish. Wolff's "alternative" views about political-economic matters and their history has been bred within US academia which rewarded this retired professor with a long and "distinguished" career. People who are serious critics of capitalism do not get rewarded and are forced to live very marginal lives outside of any mainstream institution.

I am not going to waste much time on attacking this essay, but a few observations are required. Let's examine what Wikipedia has to say about Wolff.
Richard D. Wolff is an American heterodox economist, well known for his work on Marxian economics, economic methodology, and class analysis.
Reviewing this posted article, can you find anything of significance about Marxian economics or class analysis? The word "class" doesn't even make an appearance. Socialism becomes "traditional socialism"--those historical attempts in the name of socialism that we saw in the 20th century. And he sees fascism as a different system! He sees worker cooperatives, or "workers self-directed enterprises", as a significant revolutionary force that holds much promise to transform capitalism. He regards government and capitalists as independent actors. It is no wonder that he has constructed such a piece of rubbish having used such worthless conceptual materials!