Monday, November 24, 2014

The Fog of Empire

Click here to access article by Philip A. Farruggio from World News Trust.
Did you ever notice lately how often you hear the expression that someone is "in a fog"?

So many of us are walking around in some lethargic state as we go about our business. There is no sense of direction as many just "go through the motions" of existence.

Truly, we are lost in the fog of empire.
Could Farruggio represent a US middle-class person who is finally waking up to the deterioration of American life, particularly for the middle class, and a recognition that the US is engaged in never-ending wars to maintain an empire? He still doesn't seem to be aware of the extent of poverty here in the US. However, if he is an example of a trend in the US middle class, such a trend does not bode well for the future of the Empire.