Wednesday, November 5, 2014

The Problem with Russia's continued Presence in Eurasia

Click here to access article by "Professor Emeticus Loren Muffler Exhaust-Pipes" from The Greanville Post. (parody)

This is an antidote for all of you people suffering from the incessant anti-Russian propaganda vomited by mainstream media which, of course, is under the control of our masters in the One Percent. It seems that Putin and his Russian dogs are interfering with the activities of our masters in Europe. How dare they!
Once again, for the thirtieth time in as many weeks, our world community braces in breathless expectation, standing by for the imminent cataclysm of all-out Russian blitzkrieg that great prophetic geopolitical analysts such as the late Ronald Reagan and Tom Clancy perpetually warned us about. Failing that, experts agree that the world hyperbole community is groaning under the spectral menace of a neo-Tsarist domination poised to gobble up Eastern Europe piecemeal like a compulsive gobble-guts running amok in the ice-cream section of a supermarket.