Sunday, December 28, 2014

China challenges US economic war against Russia

Click here to access article by Alex Lantier from World Socialist Web Site.

I was particularly concerned about this and following paragraphs which increase my general anxiety that the insane directors of the Empire are preparing for a global war against Russia and China because their governments refuse to submit to the Empire's rule. Note that the source of the comments come from a prime spokesman from a main media source of US capitalist information and policies.
A year ago, in an article titled “China must not copy the Kaiser’s errors,” Financial Times columnist Martin Wolf warned China against any action that could be construed as a challenge to US global hegemony. He indicated that a Chinese policy replicating the German Kaiser’s challenge to British hegemony before the outbreak of World War I in 1914 would lead to a similar outcome: all-out conflict.
Meanwhile back here in the bosom of the Empire the people are mostly busy shopping and focusing their attention on college and professional football (American) matches.