Thursday, December 18, 2014

Rafael Correa : Hugo Chavez’s Political Successor?

Click here to access article by Nil Nikandrov from Libya 360°

Rafael Correa has contributed much to the independence of not only Ecuador, but to South America. 
Ecuador has done much to coordinate efforts for the creation of such integration mechanisms as the South American Bank, the South American School of Defence, a criminal court, and an electoral monitoring group. A South American Arbitration Centre is also going to be established, which will allow the region to free itself from the influence of transnational capital. "Together, we will be able to dictate the terms of international capital", said Rafael Correa. The concept of South American citizenship, which will give people the right to move around the region and get a job and an education anywhere on the continent, is an important achievement of the summit in Ecuador. Five hundred million people will receive such a ‘South American passport’!
Thus, we can look forward to attempts by the Empire to counter his efforts and his regime.