Monday, December 22, 2014

The China-Russia Double Helix [a must read]

Click here to access article by the "Saker" from his website. 

(This posted article is only an introduction to what I think is a major exposition of a Chinese ruling class point of view on very important recent geopolitical events. Following the introduction, the Saker provides numerous options to download the paper. I used Adobe Reader which is common in the US.)

I have spent considerable time this morning reading this "white paper" provided by the Saker which purports to present a thoroughly Chinese point of view on the current rapprochement between Russia and China to preserve their independence in the face of the rampaging Empire which this unknown Chinese author refers to as the Hegemon. (Another reference he uses is Gen. Shoygu who is the Russian Minister of Defense.)

Throughout the 25 page essay the author uses the metaphor of the "double helix" of the DNA's structure to describe what appears to be the development of a close collaboration between Russia and China to secure their independence and the independence of other nations oppressed by the Hegemon, and to preserve world peace. 

I am posting this piece as a "must read" because I was impressed with its internal logic from a Chinese point of view. I found its geopolitical analysis breathtaking. That doesn't mean that I don't have reservations about its conclusion--I've just run out of time to make any comments on it.
Most of us will live to see a new international, global dynamic. Some of us will
feel its nourishment. Some of us will be stuck in the cavern of Elites who have
run the world for centuries. Just as the North Pole shifts, geopolitical poles shift.
Economic poles shift, also. A containment policy or exclusionary trade treaty or
covert destabilization program cannot stop 3.5 billion people inspired by two
enlightened leaders who have the same metaphorical DNA. The tectonic shift is
too much for mere mortals of the West who have run out of ideas, lies, bullets,
bombs, false flags and proxies to win and control mankind. The Hegemon has bad
DNA that cannot adapt to the fresh air and sunlight of the truth. Humanity will
win its freedom and civilizations will prosper.