Sunday, December 21, 2014

The “Impending” Russian Maidan

Click here to access article by Tony Cartalucci from New Eastern Outlook.

This is another extremely well researched article (with linked documentation) from Cartalucci who zeros in on the Empire's ongoing methods of subversion of countries that refuse to bow to the diktats of the Empire's directors. Cartalucci supplies solid evidence that these methods are now being applied to Russia in preparation of another color-style regime change.
The coordinated manipulation of global energy prices, a NATO build-up in Eastern Europe, and the rekindling of terrorism in Russia’s southern Caucasus region all appear to be ever-increasing crescendos toward a much larger event – a “Russian Maidan.”

The necessary components of a successful Western bid to overthrow the Russian political order include a political front protesting in Russia’s major cities, as well as a full-spectrum economic war to put pressure on Russia’s population, increasing dissent as well as swelling the ranks of staged protests Wall Street and Washington put in Russian streets. Another necessary component includes armed components to act under cover of “peaceful protesters” to escalate street demonstrations, prevent security forces from restoring order, and to carry out the actual physical overthrow of these security forces.