Tuesday, December 30, 2014

US Armed Rebels Gave TOW missiles to Al Qaeda

Click here to access article by Maram Susli from New Eastern Outlook.

This Syrian author contributes more evidence to the pile of reports from other sources about US collaboration with ISIS which she says is a branch of Al Qaeda and the most effective group trying to topple Assad's government.
US supplied TOW anti-tank missiles have ended up in the hands of Jabhat Al Nusra, Syria’s branch of Al Qaeda. The US provided the missiles to CIA vetted Syrian rebel faction Harakat Hazm in May. A video posted by Al Nusra shows the weapons being used to take over Syrian military bases, Wadi Deif and Hamidiyeh in Idlib province.

A story that should have been headline news of Obama’s arming of Al Qaeda across all US media, largely went unnoticed.
She reaches this conclusion which again is supported by several other independent sources in the Middle East:
Whilst in future these weapons may be used against American personnel, for now the US is desperate for a victory against the Syrian government. The US might find reports of arms ending up with Al Qaeda embarrassing, but such embarrassment can be mitigated by controlling the amount of attention it gets from the US run media.

Therefore the purpose of advertising a ‘moderate rebel force’ is to maintain plausible deniability whilst still supporting what is largely an Al Qaeda rebellion against the Syrian government.