Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Who Really Runs the United States? Jamie Dimon

Click here to access article by Bill Bonner from Bonner & Partners via Wolf Street

Some people in the financial industry are waking up to the fact that those who command great wealth in today's capitalist system really govern the society. In my terms they constitute a ruling class. This has always been the case in the US since its founding by early plantation and business owners in the 18th century. Only now with the evolution of capitalism, that is, the greater and greater concentrations of wealth in fewer hands has this become apparent to people in the financial industry. Well, to be more accurate, Bonner and others are recognizing individuals like Dimon as people who really run our government. They don't yet recognize a ruling class.

For some reason Dimon always gets publicity when most ruling class directors stay carefully out of sight. Our ruling class is much like an onion: there are many layers near the core. It's possible that Dimon is at the 2nd or 3rd layer. People like the Rockefeller family are at the core.

(See also this, this, this, this, and this for humor.)